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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Badges of Honor in our opinion

 Have you "gone swimming" with a capsized canoe? Got caught skinny dipping? Someone in your group of trusty degenerate friends forget the compass or got you hopelessly lost in the bush? Check this out...

I think it's fair to say that we love to celebrate misfortune; yours, mine and of course our friends. The misadventures during our adventures are what makes the trips, it the stuff stories are made of! They are what we remember most on our trips.

What if we told you there was a way to officially lay the blame and advertise the hell out of some of these momentous occasions. Check out these babies from Demerit Wear

These badges of honor are awesome. They have a variety of them, ranging from Camping through to Mardi Gras and everyday life as well. We suggest starting your own boy-scout style sash to collect them, or simply slapping them on your camp pack, hats, or friends. (yes directly on your friends. Slap them with one of these to add insult to injuries). Each badge $4 and the shipping is free, you can't go wrong.  Definitely ManCamping.

Check them out

1 comment :

  1. The "over the falls" is my personal favorite.
